Daily Inspiration – Happy 2nd Blogiversary to me!

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Today marks two years since I started this little nook on the world wide web. Like my dad always says, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. I simply couldn’t let today go by without saying  THANK YOU to you for even stopping by. Hope you enjoy this little space as much as I do. I thought it will be fun to party together. Well, cyber party! To kick things off I decided to host a little giveaway with some of my favorite things! Now close your eyes and say that again with Oprah’s voice, 1, 2, 3… FAVORITE THINGSSSSSSSSS! Ok, I wish I could give away a car to all of you, but seriously I can’t even afford to get a new one myself. HA With that said, I collected some of the things that make me happy and thought you would like them too. Are you ready?

The winner will receive this cute little globe. I have one myself and it’s just adorable. Some cute washi tape because everyone should always have some colorful tape in their life. A pretty notepad to keep handy for little reminders. I have one on me most all the time, otherwise I would forget to get some things done. Last but not least, some yummy chocolate bars from Ikea. Yes, I’m that person that eats chocolate while decorating, assembling furniture or blogging. I might even be eating some right now. Anyways, these are a few of my favorite things, I figured they will make you or a friend happy too. Besides, I wouldn’t be typing this “2nd blogiversary” post if it wasn’t for you who reads this.

To enter, simply leave a comment here sharing what some of your favorite things are! For additional entries, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway is open to US residents only.  The winner will be drawn on May 3rd and announced shortly after. When leaving a comment, please make sure your email address is linked so you may be contacted. Good luck everyone!

The winner of this giveaway, selected by random.org  is…Autumn!

8 responses to “Daily Inspiration – Happy 2nd Blogiversary to me!”

  1. The Mr. says:

    Happy Blogiversary!!!

  2. Héctor says:

    You deserve everything you wish for. Congratulations for your blogiversary, and thanks a lot for your creativity. God bless you forever!

  3. Amy says:

    Belated congrats on your Blogiversary!

    Hmm… my favorite things include:
    – Amelie
    – ice cream
    – and puppies

    with a healthy dose of this blog and great friendship. :D

  4. Suyin says:

    I’m always late to the party! but I would have to say may favorite things are: cupcakes, shoes and my friends!… wink wink… nudge nudge!.. :)

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